BC Epic 1000
Buckshot Self Supported Race Loop
The Buckshot is a grassroots, very unofficial/informal bikepacking ride/race out of Kamloops, BC - ideal for getting some good miles in the legs early in the season and seeing the great terrain and scenery offered by the Thompson, Nicola, North Shushwap and Southern Cariboo regions of BC. The only constant on this ride is that it happens on the May long weekend and starts and ends at Riverside Park in downtown Kamloops. A new route will be ridden ever year but in general it will be 400-500k with about 6000-8000m of climbing mostly on back country gravel, double track and forest service road. Live tracking via Trackleaders will be arranged for those interested, the link for which will be pinned to the BC Epic facebook page about a month prior to the Depart,the route is public on RideWithGPS (link below) and can be downloaded from there, riders can let it be known they will ride on the Buckshot Event on the BC Epic 1000 facebook page or just show up and ride.